Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sara here are some moves....

Sara here are some moves Mark, Lissa, and you can use this Sunday....

What does everyone think?


Saturday, February 21, 2009

I am ready for Summer! Emma

When I came out of school it was warm... I rose my hands up and skipped, sort of. Luke just wants to go to the Water park on his B-day in the summer. Holiday Inns. Art Institute. Seems like vacation, no it is not, for mom. I want Summer!


Yes, I did get locked in the prize closet.

Hello I finally made it out of the closet. Hum…. That does not sound right? Well I am back in the swing of things. And the envelope please, the winner is:

Becky said... Communications

I was a Radio/TV major (communications) with a minor of I don't know what I want to be win I grow up. I hope Sonya (my sister) and Ann C (my mom) would get it right, I placed Becky, Sonya, Ann's name in a hat and pulled out the winner.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Test one
