Monday, September 29, 2008

From the Desk of Luke

From The Desk of Luke....

I am Luke , I am in first grade. My teacher is Ms. Markowitz. I pet a turtle on my field trip to Eagle Creek. I live in a house. I had fish tonight and it was disgusting.


Poor animal.-Emma

Today I was playing outside. But when I started walking up to my friend's I came near to a bush. I saw the kittens and knelt down to pet them. I stopped dead in my tracks. Right by them was a lizard or an iguana laying there. By the second I saw that animal my heart pounded. I ran to my mom.
Me:Mom there is lizard and it might be our neighbor's!
Mom: They know.
Me: Can I tell them?
Mom: No!
Me: The kittens Are around it and might eat it!
Mom: WHAT! GO Tell them.
So I rang the door bell and told them. The neighbor's wife asked if it was her husband's. He said yes and he thought it died long ago. They told me won't make it no mater what. My neighbor said it grew too thin so he put it there. So I said at least they found it. A lot of kids saw it. I knew that it was my neighbor's because he is the only person I know that has alot of iguanas or lizards. This is very sad. Emma

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Score...

For those that have been wondering what has Greg has been up to, well lets see...

This week is finals week, I had most of my tests last week this week when most of my big projects are due. Good times...

My clients that i have been working with closed on the home we were selling and have a accepted offer on the new one. wahooo....
And now for the psa . If you are needing to sell of buy a home, I know a good Realtor.

The kids are doing great

Peace and Love


Thursday, September 18, 2008

I don't really talk about teeth

I don't really talk about teeth but this is too cute. My brother Luke lost his fourth tooth and the others hasn't shown it's big boy teeth! Since that happened he looks so cute!!!! Three lost teeth at the top front where you say 's' and one lost tooth at the bottom! I remember one time I swallowed my tooth while eating a donut. I tried getting it but I was told not to barf. The tooth fairy got it out and I ate the donut at a church. I lost eight, Luke lost four so he needs to lose four teeth and we both will have same number. Emma

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Good Food, Good Music, Good Times

Last Sunday I went to Rib America Festival.
And Now for the Pictures.....

Lets just get this one out of the way first. For PEC.
The Rib Sampler, mmmm gooood!
The Music!

The View Walking Back to the Car...

Monday, September 1, 2008

from Emma--Long time ago

Stories with and without Luke or Caroline is usually in my memory-bank. I thought I could write a few. Here is one: One day when I was in Kindergarten, a firefighter came to our school. A group came to our classroom. Here is the words.
The firefighter: Everybody should know their phone number. You may get lost someday. Anyone knows their phone number?
I raise my hand. They pick me.
The Firerfighter: Call 911.
I do it
The firefighter: Tell them your brother fell a bike and broke a leg.
Me: My brother didn't.
The firefighter: I know. It's practice.
Me: He doesn't ride bikes much.
The firefighter: Try.
I do it. And ever since then I thought they might come. Good. Never did.
