Wednesday, May 26, 2010

News from greg

As some of you know I have become a free agent this summer, with my career that is. I will be getting with my team this summer to decide the next move for me. On July 1st, I should be ready to share what my next move is. The one thing I do know is I am not following Lebron .
I am moving into a new direction away from Real Estate, I will still have my license but I not going to be active with a broker. If you need any real estate advice or need help with you real estate needs let me know, If I cannot help have a group of people that I have worked closely with to refer you to.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Film the next Generation

Finished a quick thank video for Luke's teacher, showed Emma how to make a video also. Emma's video turned out great, i might just have to put her on the crew list for the next film shoot.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I have been thinking...

The Cooper blog is about to wake up for a summer of fun and more. Want to know what the Coopers are up to give us a comment or email.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Luscious layer cakes recall childhood pleasures, adult indulgences | | The Indianapolis Star

Luscious layer cakes recall childhood pleasures, adult indulgences | | The Indianapolis Star

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A little insight in the movie theater business.

UK Movie Theaters Also Threatening An Alice In Wonderland Ban

UK Movie Theaters Also Threatening An Alice In Wonderland Ban