Sunday, May 25, 2008

today at soccer

(today at soccer)
From Emma -May 24

I met a little boy called Bram. He seems about 3 or 2 but knows my name. "Why are you on Henry's team?" He would ask me. Katie is so sweet! Today I met their Mama and papa. But they do seem so sweet. Hartley is their last name. Should be Sweetley! (Don't you think? But one person is kind of sweet. His name is Henry. He is their energy boy! The Hartley's is one of Kind. And I know they are kind! They are Kind, Sweet, lovable, funny, and totally a friend. So you know things about them, and they are nice. But you know these are my opinions so you decide! I hope you say you do. I played and talked and got high fives and all that.
