This month is busy. We had Christmas (a.k.a Luke got a remote control tarantula, not very cute). I will also go to a party on the 27, babysit Madisyn Rutlyge, (Trish, rembember, don't get scared. It's way too big to look real) on the New year's eve. I get to make a real published book! Yay! Dad got silverware and a football game. He already beated the other team! Mom got a angel. Merry Christmas! Happy new year!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
just a busy month
Posted by
8:32 PM
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Looks like I need to....
I all this blog "face lifting" going on, looks like I need to take a break from creating my game board for class and give the super coopers a face lift. Plus the blogger extraordinaire in training Emma said "why is our blog so plain".
For those thinking "what game is Greg doing for class FORECLOSURE LAND"
Greg Cooper
Posted by
12:30 PM
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Book Preview--emma
hi Everyone!
How are you. I am writing a book called Prairie Girl. I am also writing a book called Sammy, New school, New life. I am Hand-writing Prairie Girl. I am also typing on the Computer Sammy, New school, New life. I will tell you. Laura in Prairie Girl Calls New York, New Dork. While she is steaming in anger that she moved from a no electricity place to New Dork she finds out she is a new sissy. But she gets hotter in anger. A baby in New York! Laura meets TVs, Headphones, and People . When Laura enters New York her vocal cords don't do work. She doesn't want them to. And Sammy made a wish. She has short hair. And switched lives with Kaitlyn (NOT Kaitlyn Archer)! What will Sammy and Laura do?
Emma Julliane
Posted by
4:43 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanks to God
Since today close to Thanksgiving I thought I give what I think I'm thankful for.
I am thankful for God. I am Thankful for God. I am Thankful for listening to the paster and the singers. I am thankful to have a mom and dad a brother and friends. I am thankful for Jesus. I am thankful for Awana. I am thankful for my cat. I am thankful for my aunt Diane and cousins. I am thankful for mom taking photos of me and Kelsey learning how to walk. I am NOT thankful that my cat likes very few kids.(At least she loves me!) I want to share how sweet she is. I am thankful Aunt Sonya and her kids. What are you thankful for? (I don't mean to be nosy.)
Posted by
5:30 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Daniel Lusk at Steak 'n Shake
(A Friend from church is doing a magic shows to benifit breast cancer.)
Daniel Lusk will be performing 72 magic shows in 24 hours to benifit breast cancer and the American Cancer Society. Daniel will be LIVE for 24 hours in front of Steak 'n Shake in Avon Indiana. It will begin at 10am on October 28th and will finish at 10am October 29th.
Daniel's website
Here is Daniel on Z99.5 Smiley Morning Show.
Smiley In The Morning - Magician Daniel Lutz
Posted by
8:48 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just fo fun.. and a lol
I have not watch Saturday Night Live in many, many years. With all the take about the Sara Palin skits, I check out this weekend skit from SNL....
Posted by
10:10 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Checkers month
Well since I am going to Be at school,at night before bed we play checkers. I can beat my mom though she tries her hardest. Luke is learning. Dad is teaching Luke Checkers. Mom is teaching Luke more Checkers. It takes Luke and Dad a while to finish a game. Mom and Luke game of Checkers is very short. I can trap Mom jump her twice but Luke can jump Mom twice but can't trap her. I can get trapped but I can get out of it. I known Checkers for three years. I have most of the games in my room. But when I won the game she said she tried her best. Luke is doing very good, just needs to do the game withonut me telling him where to go. I cannot help him win though. AND WE HAVE TO TAKE A JUMP WHERE THERE IS ONE! I think mom doesn't like that rule though. When I play Checkers I hardly think expect when I'm trapped. I think Luke is doing great.
Posted by
11:01 PM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
From the Desk of Luke
From The Desk of Luke....
I am Luke , I am in first grade. My teacher is Ms. Markowitz. I pet a turtle on my field trip to Eagle Creek. I live in a house. I had fish tonight and it was disgusting.
Posted by
8:10 PM
Poor animal.-Emma
Today I was playing outside. But when I started walking up to my friend's I came near to a bush. I saw the kittens and knelt down to pet them. I stopped dead in my tracks. Right by them was a lizard or an iguana laying there. By the second I saw that animal my heart pounded. I ran to my mom.
Me:Mom there is lizard and it might be our neighbor's!
Mom: They know.
Me: Can I tell them?
Mom: No!
Me: The kittens Are around it and might eat it!
Mom: WHAT! GO Tell them.
So I rang the door bell and told them. The neighbor's wife asked if it was her husband's. He said yes and he thought it died long ago. They told me won't make it no mater what. My neighbor said it grew too thin so he put it there. So I said at least they found it. A lot of kids saw it. I knew that it was my neighbor's because he is the only person I know that has alot of iguanas or lizards. This is very sad. Emma
Posted by
8:09 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Score...
For those that have been wondering what has Greg has been up to, well lets see...
This week is finals week, I had most of my tests last week this week when most of my big projects are due. Good times...
My clients that i have been working with closed on the home we were selling and have a accepted offer on the new one. wahooo....
And now for the psa . If you are needing to sell of buy a home, I know a good Realtor.
The kids are doing great
Peace and Love
Posted by
1:24 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I don't really talk about teeth
I don't really talk about teeth but this is too cute. My brother Luke lost his fourth tooth and the others hasn't shown it's big boy teeth! Since that happened he looks so cute!!!! Three lost teeth at the top front where you say 's' and one lost tooth at the bottom! I remember one time I swallowed my tooth while eating a donut. I tried getting it but I was told not to barf. The tooth fairy got it out and I ate the donut at a church. I lost eight, Luke lost four so he needs to lose four teeth and we both will have same number. Emma
Posted by
11:21 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Good Food, Good Music, Good Times
The Rib Sampler, mmmm gooood!
Posted by
7:10 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
from Emma--Long time ago
Stories with and without Luke or Caroline is usually in my memory-bank. I thought I could write a few. Here is one: One day when I was in Kindergarten, a firefighter came to our school. A group came to our classroom. Here is the words.
The firefighter: Everybody should know their phone number. You may get lost someday. Anyone knows their phone number?
I raise my hand. They pick me.
The Firerfighter: Call 911.
I do it
The firefighter: Tell them your brother fell a bike and broke a leg.
Me: My brother didn't.
The firefighter: I know. It's practice.
Me: He doesn't ride bikes much.
The firefighter: Try.
I do it. And ever since then I thought they might come. Good. Never did.
Posted by
2:59 PM
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
School , Art , and the Kids
Posted by
8:54 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
far far away in a galaxy ......
Every day I say I'm going to update the blog and then I sit for a while and the red bull wears off and I go to sleep. I have came to realize that red bull is not a food group or a meal. The kids started school last week and my mid-terms was last week also.....Fun Times...It Rocked... Or not... It was nice to see the Luke and Emma's teachers during the parent orientations. I got back some of my homework "art" so I will be posting some of the "Art?" in the next few days. I'm off to get a few hours of sleep... Peace and Love Greg
Posted by
2:39 AM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Im still alive ....well ..... ya i think....
It has been a time getting back into the school thing. I don' draw, and i have 2 drawing classes. I don't paint and I have one painting class. I don't think and I have a Crucial Thinking class, well maybe I think..... Let me Think about it..... I have an computer class that is teaching us about the wonderful world of Microsoft programs, I do compute. Off I go to get some sleep...
PS Would anyone like to see my wonderful pieces of art??
Posted by
3:37 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Busy Shopping-Emma
Busy, Busy shopping this morning. I saw a owl at Wal-mart. I went to three places. I went to Wal-mart, Wallgreen and Staples. I had my most attracting choker on so most employees saw it and said it was cute. I went to Wal-mart and saw a HUGE button. On that it said Big Fun. I saw a button package that was full of buttons that was as small as a fly (By the way when will that fly get off my head!) I bout a Pensway Mega Flex ruler and a pencil for home. I bought school stuff and again I say, the note-book was 5 cents. YOU GOTTA LOVE THE SALE! Mom bought so much note-books. Dad bought them too. I hope you hurry , it's almost out. I hope school is gonna be good!!!!
Posted by
6:05 PM
School is coming, coming, HERE!---Emma
Instead of it's going, going Gone, School is coming, coming, HERE! I hope you did not forget to buy school stuff, (Hopefully you did.) If you trying to find out how much a Hannah Montana pack-back at my Plainfield Wal-mart... IT IT 15 DOLLARS!!!! And at the Plainfield Wal-mart the note-books are 5 CENTS. Really. No kidding. It is almost out! I think the note-books is gone by now. By the way.... school supplies is gonna be great!
Posted by
6:01 PM
a new blog-Emma
A new blog
No, sorry not your friends new blog, A website’s!! Go to Poptropica, a creater’s blog. Go today! They made four already! But you can’t comment. Plus I hope you like it! (PS It’s for your sweet children!) I’ll read it again! It’s cool!
Posted by
5:59 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Im going to post tonight.... oh maybe on Wed....
I has been a crazy time at the Cooper house. The kids are at music camp, I still am working at Kohl's(YA gas still is $4.00 a gal). The good news is I got everything done for school, the BAD(...) I school has started school. I'm off to draw a coke can or a rock or something, its needs to be something that moves me. Even better news I have listed another house this week. That's the highlights from the last few days. If you where asking did you get sleep this past week end. well......
Who Needs Sleep!
Peace and Love Greg
Posted by
11:04 PM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Emma- SuperCoopers being silly and cute.
Emma- SuperCoopers being silly. The end is very cute!
Posted by
5:51 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Aw, the nice feeling of my sweet cat.
Aw, the nice feeling of my sweet cat. Well she dances and chases her tail with a collar. She sat on my head once . She took two years to get fond of me. She scratch when I was sleeping, close to my eye, long ago. She act like my heel was a rat long ago. She killed a rat at grandma’s. I adopt Caroline from grandma. Grandma got her as a kitten. Caroline comes to my bed every night to be petted. One night a animal did a bad thing to her, so she went to the vet and got medicine and something. It was hard for me to pet here. At the vet the vet said her skin was dead. I thought he said she was dead. “she’s dead?!?! I yelled. Good news, I was wrong. She was’t dead. We help a cat who was lost and it’s name was Chile. We miss Chile. You were a good boy. Caroline has such a life. Right? Emma
It would not be a Super Cooper post without video would it?
Posted by
12:14 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Day three with out Emma, I am sure you are reloading the page every hour on the hour for the Emma post. We will post it tonight at 10 pm. I am trying to get Luke to post something with me typing it.He said Emma does it not me, I don't know how to write.I'm hopeful he will do one.
This is the video that Shelby played in the service Sunday. He is right it is very powerful.
Posted by
12:04 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
a said day at the Super Coopers blog
Emma is at camp this week (more on that later), so "Dad" needs to step up and keep the posts coming this week. Emma did hand write a blog post so I and update the blog on Tuesday. Luke and I are making a stop action movie this week while Emma is away. The goal is to have it done by Friday. Here is a test we did today.
Posted by
8:27 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Meet my Doll------ A Tag
Meet my doll. She's about 31. But I'm not! It was my mom's. She gave it to me. She doesn't have much stories, but here's my favorite:
Once my mom put the doll on her nightstand. She was close to a lamp so Raggedy Ann's foot got burned. So my mom called her mom to fix it. And the doll got a sewn patch. If you feel around the patch you'll feel a empty spot. That's the burnt spot! Thank you mom! I have another favorite: I was playing and throwing my doll and then.... it fell behind my dresser. That happened in 2006. Then in 2008 in January I found it and I'll never, never EVER throw it my room near my dresser. She my favorite doll! And the best story of all. Ready? OK. It was given by mother when I was young. And now I never outgrew that Raggedy Ann doll. I think never will. And sell it! Even if it was 100,000 buck offering! I love it!
I would not even it was for a famous museum in the world! Even if made me famous! Even if it was for the biggest yard ever! Even for a city!!!!!! And a ocean! Now I'm getting ahead of myself! I just love it!
I know I never been tagged but here.
Places I lived:
1. one county
2. United states
1. I don't have any jobs!
3. granddaughter
4. niece
5. did I say daughter already?
6. GREAT granddaughter
movies I love
1. ET
2. Madagaskar
3. Willy Wonka 's factory
Shows I like
1. scooby doo (Sorry aunt Diane)
2. Spongebob
3. foster's home
4. jimmy
5. I don't know
Number of houses
1. 3
Number of pets
1. a shy and loves us cat named Caroline and kinda stubborn
2.unnamed fish
1. death of favorite fish
Jack (The only fish we named)
Whom I'm tagging --Dad
Posted by
6:59 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Luke's fan
Finally a story. My brother loves a movie called Charlie and the chocolate factory. He thinks it's so good. So every day after an hour or 30 minutes he sings an oompa Loom-pa song. Oompa Loompa is his favorite. It started at late May. Ends. I didn't know. So here go's mom for a haircut. After she leaves Luke sings. She comes back. Here's the surprise.
Luke:"MOM! You look like Willy Wonka!"
Mom: "That's what I wasn't going for."
me: "You do kinda look like it."
Mom: "That's was not what I was going for."
Luke: "Mom you're silly. You DO!"
Mom: "Not what I was going for."
Me: "Well, Willy Wonka has longer hair. Yours is---"
Luke: "Why short?
Mom: "So I can go have a better feeling outside."
Me: "Wonka's Hair is longer."
Mom: "Uh-Huh."
Luke: "Wonka, Whens dinner?"
Mom: "You are a nut."
Luke:"YOU ARE A NUT! NO. A peanut."
Me: " Mom look! Grassy stuff in my garden!"
Mom: "Congratulations."
Me: "You gotta stop doin' that."
Seem like it isn't wonka's hair. Luke needs some votes. DO You like mom's Hair cut. For me it's 709,0000. What do you think? Comment on mom's hair! And do you think Luke Wonka opinion for mom's is true?
Posted by
7:53 PM
I am sooo sad! I bought sunflowers and daisies and don't know how they grow, look like or if they are growing! I find weeds and a grassy looking plant. I need help! Even my parents don't know how!!!!!!
Posted by
3:01 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lets get in the mood to
With the men golf trip at church this weeked, here is something to get us in the mood.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Block Party
We went to the block party at Hope. We had fun. I, myself was hungry. I had some cotton candy, an icie, hamburgers and fun. I got a horse shoe (very popular), I went on the moon bounce, played "Are you smarter than a third grader?", and got me a painted face (Other stuff too). We also had a give away and most of all... people wanted a big, 32", screen TV! Plus Daniel did magic and my brother calls him "The magic guy". At the end sadly.... my brother forgot his bag and didn't want to get it so (mom did not tell me to, I did actually.) I did. When I got the bag, I, sadly went to the wrong exit and got back and then right exit! Then went to Hollywood video store. We call it "The movie store" to remember easier. I cannot wait for the next bock party!
Posted by
6:43 PM
Friday, June 6, 2008
Video of the Week
Numb What? Spelling Bee
A GREAT moment in the Spelling Bee 2008
Posted by
10:26 PM
From Emma June 4
Poor Luke! He's got the Stomach Bug! Oh when I catch the bug I imagine a bug in my tummy. I hate to get you sick but at least you didn't drink after him! Well Mom and Dad and Me didn't. Someone did! Luke! I feel terrible! Not that I'm sick that I feel bad, BLESS HIS HEART! BLESS!
Posted by
10:26 PM
From Emma June 3-Are we done yet?
WOW :) -Greg
From Emma
Is Luke done playing on the computer, or he calls 'puter? Am I done
reading "Who's on first Charlie Brown" for the second time? Is dad done copying my pictures? Is Caroline done acting cute by being asleep? Is Mom done shopping? YES!!!! (Except shopping and copying!) But one more thing, IS LUKE DONE GETTING FED UP BY WONKA BARS? NO! Another thing, am I done getting fed up with these things we done? Oh no, it's no. Am I done thinking? No. Now I got a good thing! Am I done getting fed up now? Oh boy, YES, I am! Am I done getting mad? Yes! And Mom's home from shopping, dad stopped copying. Except one thing.... Luke is still fed up with Wonka Bars. Did he stop watching "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Yes! Did it stop raining? Yes, thank heavens it rained for 15 hours and 8 minutes!!! And I don't hear any voices like "Mom did you buy any Wonka Bars?" from Luke. Is Luke done playing a game on mom's cell phone? No, he's not done playing a snowball game on mom's cell phone. Is Mom done with dishes? No. Am I done eating my Rice Crispy Treat? NO! I just took a bite! So you answer this: Are we done yet?
Posted by
10:26 PM
From Emma June 2
I seen a ton of people mowing in the same place every two days! (Well maybe a few feet away) It's hardly even short! I can not believe it! Is it just me, or I have difficulties seeing and hearing? Hope not. Is it the TV? No. I am hearing it through the window! I now have and.... oh no the person down the street is starting to mow. (At least I am going to the library right now!)
Posted by
10:26 PM
Emma May 28th-Last day of School
It was a racket today at school! Today was the last day of school! "School's out!" Michael yelled. I went into the restroom and started to sing, "School's out. I'll be back someday." Then we packed up our stuff. We only had three hours of school. We got out of school on 12:00. I must admit it was short! But it also pretty loud. And sad. And we got a lot of stuff! It was like Christmas! Except it wasn't cold and Santa didn't give us any presents today. You know that kids like it and scream and yell and act like you need to scream because you can spend time with your family. I love to spend time with my family! I love staying home so I can talk and watch movies. I love to hear jokes from my brother! I will have a great summer!
Posted by
10:26 PM
Hello From Cooperland
Hello this your guide through Cooperland, its been a busy week for the citizens of Cooperland. We had sickos kids and Greg had a doctors appointment(more on that later). Dawn finished planting the garden. Emma has email me many posts to add so the next 5-6 posts are from Emma this week.
Peace and Love
Posted by
10:26 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
From Emma (crying .....)
If you know Emma, this is a look in her head. My Little Emma is growing up. Greg
I always have a very bad habit. Crying! People always be nice in case I cry. Other people just make me stop the fuss. I am stopping the fuss, people! Do you know that. Does anybody kid know that? Just grown-ups? O.K I am just gonna march out the door and tell- maybe not. I will spell Cry. C-R-Y. Got it. Now you Know I stopped fussing. I want to be normal! But am I still myself if I do that? The day of fussing ended!
Posted by
1:49 PM
from Emma Monday School
From Emma
Is Luke forgetting something? He is forgetting Summer break! Gee, He will sure love school. But he likes snacks and there is no snacks! And no sandbox, no pets, no phone number telling and no passing notes. And the worst (not for me) Homework! Only 2 more days until school is out! Otherwise bye-bye. No school. Bye-Bye School! Bye until September! Good by school hello Holalooya! Bye what was I gonna say?
Posted by
1:49 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
A video that can make a DAD cry!
A video that can make a DAD cry!
Posted by
4:16 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
From Emma -I never been so annoyed
I never been so annoyed by Luke! Luke was poking people with his new toy! If you read this blog, and go to my house... watch for Luke and his toy! Plus, Luke smiles at his toy and never let's you skate with you roller skates. Trust me it happend to me today after school. GOOD THING HE CAN'T READ YET! Because Luke will be very angery when he reads this because He hates it when I say things very silly things about him.
Posted by
10:42 PM
today at soccer
(today at soccer)
From Emma -May 24
I met a little boy called Bram. He seems about 3 or 2 but knows my name. "Why are you on Henry's team?" He would ask me. Katie is so sweet! Today I met their Mama and papa. But they do seem so sweet. Hartley is their last name. Should be Sweetley! (Don't you think? But one person is kind of sweet. His name is Henry. He is their energy boy! The Hartley's is one of Kind. And I know they are kind! They are Kind, Sweet, lovable, funny, and totally a friend. So you know things about them, and they are nice. But you know these are my opinions so you decide! I hope you say you do. I played and talked and got high fives and all that.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Emma-Maddy House
From Emma
Emma never gets sad when she goes to Madisyn's house! She is overjoyed. In fact too overjoyed! The last time it was fun. Emma threw some bread for fish, plays soccer, played buddy bubbles, Played with chalk and learned to play a new game. Talk about fun, Fun fun, fun ok I'll stop.
Posted by
10:42 PM
From Emma May 20th
From Emma -May 20th
Emma had a party at her house at Oct. 12, 2007. Luke still remembers one boy that was squeezing in because he had his party and Emma's party. His name was Bryce. Bryce gave Luke a Basketball card. But she had a pinata and Emma doesn't remember if it ever bursted into candy!
Posted by
10:42 PM
From Emma-Tue May 20th
Luke is such a sweet boy. He calls Carmel "A Piece of heaven". Ha! Ha! OK. He's just funny! But sometimes he acts too funny and very rude! Sigh. Not funny. But on the other hand, he's sweet as candy. We all love him.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
Emma is such a great singer and a pro sewer. Luke, her little brother is always overjoyed and very funny. Emma once kicked Luke's lose tooth a little. Then Greg pulled it out! (Emma thinks that's soooooooo gross! Believe her, it is!) The tooth was bloody! The gum was too! (NOT the gum you chew! It would taste bloody if it was!) But he got money from the tooth fairy. It's a fortune! It's $1.50! 'Know what? He spent it on soda and the ice cream truck!
Posted by
8:10 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
What you will find?
On this blog you will find posts from the Super Coopers. Emma will type her own (she loves to talk and that does not spot when it comes to typing). Luke will type some ( but most of his will be typed by another person). Dawn not sure what she is going to do (but do I ever) and for me well I can not give everything away in my first post can I?
Peace and Love Greg
Posted by
3:25 AM